Your Spanish Adventure

Planning for a year away

How to Prepare for a Life-Changing Year in Spain

Some questions to help in planning your year in Spain

Step-by-Step Planning for Your Year Abroad

Questions to shape Your Year in Spain

WHY do you want to go to Spain?

  • Is it to spend time as a family and step away from your fast-paced life?
  • Are you looking for a sea change?
  • Is it work related or purely leisure?
  • Is it to experience a new culture, learn a new language?

Our family’s answer to this was to spend a year as a family immersed in a new and different culture, learning the local ways and the language.

WHAT do you want your year to look like?

  • What are the main objectives that you want to fulfil during your year?
  • Do you want to be with other expats or local Spaniards or both?
  • Do you want to study, work or teach?
  • Do you think you will be happiest in a big, medium, small city, country area, mountains or coast?
  • Is access to cultural and sporting activities important?
  • What sort of school do you want your children to attend?

Our family wanted to to experience a local Spanish life so we chose a city with a mostly Spanish population and sent our kids to the local school. In addition to this we wanted to travel and explore as much of our European cultural heritage and family connections as we could during the school holidays or long weekends.

Keep Calm and Learn Spanish
Sevilla Spain

HOW are you going to make this happen?

  • How do you plan to finance your time away?
  • How will you get the time away from your work and life in your home country?
  • Will you work remotely from Spain?
  • Do you have an EU passport or do you need to apply for a long stay visa?

Each family achieves the ‘how’ differently. Most apply for non-lucrative visas that allow them to live in Spain long term without working and therefore must prove sufficient funds to support themselves. Many work remotely back to their home country or come to Spain with sufficient savings for a year. Spain is quite affordable compared to many other countries and is considered the most affordable country in Western Europe. We were lucky enough to have European passports so avoided the visa process and my husband had accrued long service leave that gave us an income.

WHERE do you want to live in Spain?

  • A large city, medium city, small city, or a small town?
  • Is climate important to you? What sort of climate appeals to you? Spain has several climate zones, all very different.
  • A house or an apartment?
  • What sort of amenities do you require where you live?
  • What sort of schools are you looking for?
  • Are you more into culture and fine food, nature and rural areas?
  • Do you like mountains or beaches or the tablelands?

For us, although we are big city people, we wanted to experience something different and chose to live in a small city: Granada. We were really happy with our choice as it is a manageable, walkable city with many cultural and sporting activities to keep one busy and engaged. Granadinos were welcoming and warm and had time to get to know us.

WHEN are you planning to go and for how long?

  • When is the best time to arrive and depart?
  • When can you leave and return to your homeland?
  • When can you get away from your commitments?
  • Do you want to arrive in a particular season?

Most families arrive at the end of August in time for the commencement of the school year in September. This is also when many rental properties turn over and become available after the summer high season. Other families from Australia and New Zealand prefer to arrive in January to follow the southern hemisphere school year.

Reach Out and Let’s Begin!

Of course, there are many other detailed questions to consider, but these are the first broad ones to set you on the path to a successful year in Spain—or anywhere, really. Happy adventures!